Robin hood is an action and adventure film because it begins with a fight scene. Weapons are used in a sufficient way and you can tell it is a medieval film because the weapons that they use, aren't used nowadays.
There is a typical hero in this film (robin hood) and in the first few minutes of the film we are shown him, he is played by Russell Crowe. You can tell he is the hero as he is fighting for good and fighting for his country and he also rescues one of his friends seen hanging from a gate.
As for camerwork, there are quite a lot of hero shots of the main character which tells the viewer that robin hood is the hero. I think the genre of this film, is a hybrid between fantasy and action-adventure.
In my opinion, this film is very entertaining and i like it very much. It is a traditional tale, so seeinga movie like this makes me this of the real story. I also think russel crowe is a great actor in this movie..