Tuesday, 15 October 2013

15/10/13, Research: Thriller Codes and Conventions (Scoop It)

Today we looked at how to sign up to scoop it so that we could scoop important news reports, web pages or just anything relating to thriller codes and conventions. Since our plan or our final film is a thriller/suspense genre opening, this will come in handy!

I also scooped some stories about kidnappings as our plan involves one and we wanted to find out more about it. I think this is going to be very useful so we can made the flashback (the kidnapping scene) as realistic as possible.

The reason scoop it is so useful is because you can see all webpages on one screen, and only the important sections. Scoop it also gives you suggestions on what they recommend you scoop for your research pages.

The link to my scoop it: http://www.scoop.it/share/theme/linkedin/2342113


  1. 1. Please link your ScoopIt! or I cannot check through it. You do give the reasons for using it; well done.

  2. The link does not work, Christina; try again.
