Thursday, 27 September 2012


In today's lesson we talked about which adverts we chose for our last homework, and i chose the lambourghini and american airliens advert.

We then spoke about this website/ation called prezi. It's where you can make presentations but in a creative way. The one we looked at was a coke presentation and it was in the shape of a coke bottle with little slides around it. We were told we would end up doing something like that sometime in the future.

We then talked about how in a movie or film or even in an advert, how people look in them. The example Mrs mann showed was me and nicole stood up and i was in the middle of the frame and nicole was to the side. She then told us that i dominated the frame because i was in the middle. She also told us about if i was behind nicole and to the side then nicole is forced to turn aorund, again making me more dominant.

The last thing we did was talking about making a twitter. This twitter would be for media use and for following people we need to write things about in essays or anything. I made a twitter (christinafizzzy).

Saturday, 22 September 2012

lamborghini and american airlines

The first advert we were told to look at was a car advert. I chose an advert for the car Lamborghini Gellardo. This is a 2008 version of lambourghini’s sports cars. I really like this advert because it is very unique and it starts off not looking like a car advert. The background of the advert is mostly white and sometimes black and on screen appears many white objects. It starts off with a perfume bottle and then a glacier that is being cracked and smashed to the floor. I like this because they make it in slow motion which makes the tension build up so much more. The music is amazing aswell, it starts off really slow and then gets loud and powerful as the advert focuses on the car, suggesting it’s a powerful car. After the glacier, it looks like there is a wine bottle that is white, which then explodes and you see that inside the bottle is a black liquid. The black liquid against the white background really stands out. The next and last object that appears is a white scorpion. In my opinion this is the best one out of all of them, and is a really good way to make the advert different. The scorpion is motionless for a while and then once it clicks it’s snappers the music starts getting loud and fast. I like this advert because it suits the car its advertising.

This is the Lamborghini Gellardo advert:

The second advert we were told to look at was an airline advert. I chose an advert of the airlines American airlines. I think this advert is quite inspirational. The music is a gypsy type. The advert has both words and images on it and the words made out an  inspirational quote. The quote is ‘We are an airline. But we realise we are something more. We are an engine that powers the free flow of people and ideas, and products, and joy. We are an airline that is proud to bear the name American.’ The quote is split up into 4 or 5 words and in between the words are pictures to do with American airlines. I like the Lamborghini advert much better than this one because even if this one had a quote, the Lamborghini was so unique and different to any other advert Ive ever seen.

This is the American airlines advert:

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Lara croft was featured in a Lucozade advert in  2009, advertising Lucozade sport. I actually didn’t like the advert to be honest. It started off with Lara croft running through a dark tunnel and she was being chased by a pack of what seemed to be ‘ruthless dogs’. Then she comes to a dead end; which is a cliff that drops down VERY far, and obviously she has to stop. She is then in a panic however, she still keeps cool, because that is what Lara Croft is portrayed as in her video games. So while the dogs are spitting with hunger, she thinks of an idea and reaches for her backpack which has some food in it. She then goes through the food, and on screen you can see each food in her bag. So she goes through a coca cola can and a chocolate bar and then comes across Lucozade, which she obviously chooses since it’s a Lucozade advert. So she drinks the bottle of Lucozade and she seems to get energized and revived by it, so she hisses at them, as if she was a cat, and she jumped off the side of the cliff. Then, after the dogs follow her and jump off the cliff aswell, you see that Lara Croft is hanging onto the piece of stone that is coming off the cliff; so she has pretty much tricked the dogs into jumping. She then jumps back onto the ledge and holds the bottle in her hand, and the slogan ‘The Refreshing Glucose Drink’ pops up at the bottom.
In general I like the advert, but I don’t like who it was advertised by. They didn’t really used celebrity endorsement since Lara Croft isn’t a celebrity, and instead just a vide game character. Even if she is quite popular, I don’t think it counts as celebrity endorsement

The video above actually has all of the adverts that feature lara croft in them.
The other advert, which is the last one showed, is actually my favourite one, that I actually like. What happened in the advert was that a boy was playing a Lara Croft game and he pauses it and stands up from his chair. Then when he isn’t in the room, on screen, the characters start moving as if the game wasn’t paused, and they start talking, and they start drinking Lucozade, as if while they were on a break from playing the game, they can have a refreshing sip of Lucozade. Then as the  characters on screen, including lara croft, hear the person who was playing coming back, they quickly get back into the position they were when he paused the game. The player then sits back on his sofa and puts on the side table a bottle of Lucozade and resumes the game. The slogan ‘The refreshing pause’ comes up, suggesting that while he was on a pause from his video game he could refresh with a Lucozade. So both the charaters on screen and the player have a refreshment which is Lucozade. I like this one much more, because it has a contrast of two different sides, the gamer and the people in the game. So some people are cartoon and some aren’t. I also like how the people on the screen went out of character while the player was gone.

Friday, 14 September 2012


This lesson for homework we had to research another brand of drink called LUCOZADE. 
My first impression of the drink was that it was very sleek and it looked very cool! I also thought it was a modern look compared to some drinks. I liked the colours on the bottles and the brightness of the words, because to me, that's what i look for when i want to choose a product!
What Lucozade is, is a sports drink that is advertised and used by many famous sports players. For example the first thing you see when you click on the website (, is an advert with Mo Farah, the famous athlete, advertising the new drink by lucozade called 'LUCOZADE SPORT'. When you click on the link it comes up with a youtube video of the advert ,that looks like it's from the olympics, which has him running an event and hes not winning. Then gradually as the advert progresses, he gets faster and faster and he then wins the race. The slogan is very effective for the Lucozade sport brand, 'Faster. Stronger. For Longer.' And this slogan is definately represented in the advert when he sprints at the end and he wins. 

Another advert that i watched of lucozade was one where they were advertising their 'LUCOZADE ORANGE LITE'. This one was much different! The advert started with a girl roller blading down a pathway and then she enters a big skate park where there are many other people roller blading and skate boarding. I think the message of the advert is that Lucozade Lite gives you energy with less calories bringing them down to only 50 calories. This is because everyone is skateboarding and doing sporty things and you don't actually see that it's a lucozade advert until the last ten seconds. So this way, people will probably think its some kindof sports advert when it's actually a Lucozade advert. Again, in this advert the colours are very bright and to me, that technique is the best way to catch my attention in an advert whether its a moving image one or just a written one. The background music is actually a very famous song, Louder by DJ Fresh. This song is a very 'pop-y' and 'moving' song, so it's perfect for the advert and the message it's supposed to put across. Also putting a well-known song as the background it will have a much bigger audience view becasue not only will people who like lucozade watch it and be intruiged, but people who like DJ Fresh and the song.

The last advert i watched was a very short one, one of only 30 seconds. It was yet again advertising for a diferent type of lucozade, this time it was advertising 'LUCOZADE REVIVE'. The advert again has a celebrity in it using celebrity endourcement. This time it's a famous dancer, Dickson Mbi. It started off witht he screen being white and then he starts dancing, and as he dances, there seems to be some sort of 'green sparkles' on his body. Lucozade revive is i think a drink that's supposed to energize you and make you feel awake and alert. Yet again, it has 50 calories and the market of drinks nowadays has to have dietry things because people are very paranoid about this stuff. What i liked about the end of the advert was that when he got the bottle of Lucozade revive he stopped dancing and was drinking it and the last green sparkle appeared on his shoulder. So the meaning of the green sparkles was that he had been drinking lucozade revive and he was energized and revived because of that drink, while he was dancing. The sparkles are green also because the bottle is green, and the flavour is lime/lemon.

This is the Advert:

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Second Lesson, Coke Brand

In Today's lesson we talked about the colours of coke. The main colours of coke are red and white! We also looked at reason that got Coke their colours, and it was their Christmas adverts. 
 The one we looked at had a big coke bottle next to it with bubbles coming out of it. The bubbles were in the shapes of snowflakes which relates to the topic of Christmas and winter. Santa was also holding the same bottle but tinier.
By  Santa Claus being the main person in the advert, coke can sell a cold drink at a very cold time, which hightens their sales because cold drinks aren't popular at all in the winter.

The second thing we did was watch yet another commercial for coke. It was called 'I Wish' and the person in the commercial was singing and handing out coke bottles. It seemed that whenever she handed the person the coke they were happy hence the message coke wants to send 'Coke sends happiness'. There was one part in the commercial where a man walked by her and was on the phone and looked stressed, and then when she handed him a coke bottle, his face lighted up!

Friday, 7 September 2012

First Lesson, Duffy Ad, Blogs

First Lesson:
Today we were talking about what we were going to be doing in all of Unit 1. We then looked at Duffy commercial for diet coke. We were talking about why the advertising company chose Duffy to represent the commercial and between the whole class we came up with;
-Duffy is an icon and a famous singer so it would apply to a larger audience
-She is a girl, so it applies to the product because Diet Coke is aimed at women and Coke Zero is more aimed at men.
-She is singing about being free and being 'you', and in the video we watched it showed some of the making of the advert and she mentions all the hard things we have to do and also says how the advert is supposed to be about getting free and taking a break from life.
-The advert is set in one of her concerts when she has a break. She comes out from the stage and then goes to her assistant who gives her a diet coke and says she has two minutes till showtime again. She then takes the diet coke and goes on a bike ride about being free and who ever she makes eye contact with seems to smile, so the advert gives the illusion that Diet Coke passes happiness.

The second part of lesson we talked about how to create a blog and how to make your first post. I had to make a google account and then sign in and it was very easy.